Gay Men's Counselling - Portsmouth & Southampton (Hampshire)

There are counsellors and there are male counsellors, but there's only one gay men's male counsellor in the Hampshire (Portsmouth & Southampton) area who specialises in video counselling for Gay Men. Whether a gay man individually, or a gay male couple, this is the excellent therapy service you've been seeking.

Although many counsellors welcome enquiries from men who identify as gay (or men who have sex with men), not all counsellors actively promote their services towards gay men. This approach isn't unethical, per se, but it may not appear to be very LGBT+ Positive o.O

Gay Men's Counselling is a specialism of experienced Counsellor Dean Richardson MNCS(Accred/Reg). Having over 22 years experience you can feel safe in the hands of a competent professional who understands your sexual identification, lifestyle, choices and struggles..

Counselling Services:

Counselling for Gay Men… Counselling for Gay Male Couples…

Video Counselling in Hampshire

Private Counselling over Zoom and Skype

Specialising in Skype and Zoom video counselling technology, Dean Richardson is the local Hampshire male counsellor with the competencies that gay men are looking for.

Sure, it's true that many counsellors have made valiant efforts to add video services to their counselling practice recently. I think that you'd feel more comfortable, however, engaging with a counsellor who had been practicing online for decades prior to the recent emergency situation. That'd be Dean with 14 years telecounselling service.

Video Counselling is available in weekly sessions of 50 minutes or 90 minutes (your choice). It's available from the comfort and convenience of your home or office. Video Counselling uses your existing smartphone, tablet, laptop, PC or Mac. The free software app also works in your web browser. You're already ready for video counselling.

LGBT+ Counselling Specialist

Private Video Counselling- Dean Richardson MNCS(Acc/Reg)

Regardless of the current health situation, Dean Richardson is the local Hampshire specialist in counselling for Gay Men. Based around Portsmouth and Southampton, he's reachable by real-time video conferencing using Zoom or Skype.

For the time being, Dean's face-to-face private counselling practice is suspended. The situation is be reviewed regularly, keeping your health & safety in mind, and video counselling continues to be available today unhindered.

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